
The Gambling Spectrum

PEI Colour Spectrum

All gambling carries risk.  We can think of this risk as a spectrum - people whose gambling behaviour fits certain patterns are more likely to experience harm than others.  The Illustration below shows potential behaviours associated with levels of risk of gambling harm.

People can move up and down the spectrum, or overlap at points, depending what is happening in their lives and the behaviours they are experiencing. 

30 ways to take a SHORT break

Beach run


Look to replace gambling with a variety of activities that you enjoy. 

Challenge yourself (or grab your family or a friend) and check out these helpful ideas for shorter breaks (30 minutes or less) - or you can even create your own check list that includes bucket list items or your own favorite activities.  

Pick your favorite idea or the easiest to start with – the most important thing is that you start!  Feel free to add your own ideas to the list to personalize your challenge using the templates below!