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YGAP Webinar Photo

When: Wednesday, March 5th 2025 · 1 - 2pm AST

What: Zoom Webinar - Exploring the World of Crypto Assets, Gambling and Gaming

Cost: FREE!

Who: Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP)

How: Register here

About:   Are you intrigued by the world of cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and their impact on gambling and gaming? This presentation offers a comprehensive overview of crypto assets and related key concepts such as cryptocurrency, NFTs, blockchain, and crypto wallets. It examines how these digital assets are transforming investment, online betting, and gaming.

We will discuss the risks of crypto investment compared to traditional stock market investing and delve into the potential harms of crypto gaming and gambling. This includes distinguishing between traditional games and NFT/Crypto games (e.g. GameFi, P2E games), exploring the relationship between cryptocurrency trading and problem gambling, and analyzing the influence of crypto influencer marketing on market fluctuations.
Additionally, this free educational presentation provides resources on crypto laws, scams, and investments, as well as community support services available for mental health issues related to gambling.

Zoom registration link: https://ymcagta-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4RS-IjS4TAy8XbhGsqbpRw

This webinar is FREE.

YGAP Webinar Evolution of Sports Betting

When: Wednesday, March 19th 2025  2:00 - 3:30pm ADT

What: Zoom Webinar - The Evolution of Sports Betting in Canada: What has changed and what you need to know

Cost: FREE!

Who: Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP)  Guest speaker: Dr. Andrew Kim, PhD, CPsych

How: Register here

About:   Sports betting has drastically evolved in the past several years due to technological advances and governmental changes to legal sports betting. The presentation will provide an overview of modern issues related to sports betting including the new forms of sports betting that is legal in Canada such as single event and in-play betting. The presentation will also provide an overview of e-sports betting and how these new forms of sports betting may impact Canadians. The presentation will conclude with potential strategies to help minimize the harms associated with sports betting.

This webinar is FREE.