Understanding Gambling Harms: Foundational Knowledge. Clinician Training Day 2024


September 19th 2024 8am-4pm

On September 19th 2024 a wonderful group of Mental Health and Addictions Clinicians gathered for a full day of training at Holland College in Charlottetown. This valuable training day offered clinician focused education in treating Islanders facing gambling harms and addiction. 

The training day was developed by The PEI Gambling Support Unit (PEI Department of Health and Wellness)  with support from Mental Health and Addictions Research & Education Department (Health PEI). 

The training was facilitated and led by gambling specialist and counsellor Elizabeth G. Stephen from Nova Scotia.  Elizabeth has worked in the field of Addictions for twenty five years, specializing in gambling issues. She counsels individuals, couples and families in the recovery process with a supportive and holistic approach. She is qualified as an expert in gambling treatment and curative discharge.

Also, Registered Nurse and Mental Health and Addictions counsellor Beverly Cavadini from Prince Edward Island was a guest speaker.  As an MH&A counsellor with PEI MH&A Help Line, Bev brings a world of clinical front-line experience and knowledge. Bev also has a unique and incredible “lived-insight” perspective, as part of her own ongoing gambling harm recovery journey.

There were over 50 attendees from across Prince Edward Island's three counties which saw representation from:

  • Community Mental Health and Addictions Youth, Adult and Family counsellors
  • Psychologists
  • Mental Health Nurses
  • Social Workers
  • Mobile Mental Health and Addictions Help Line counsellors
  • Red Shores and ALC PlayWise and Healthy Play Program Team
  • Health and Wellness Gambling Support Unit 

Trainer Elizabeth Stephen at Podium 1

Trainer Elizabeth Stephen at Podium 2

Attendees 1

Attendees 2

Attendees 3

Elizabeth and Bev

Elizabeth and Bev 2

Attendees 4

Rony Skaff Welcome opening the day

