Talk to your Teen: The link between gaming and gambling

The link between gaming and gambling

Talk to your child about how they game or use the internet.

Some virtual games contain loot boxes, these are items which can be paid for with real-world money, but contain unknown rewards. Although paying for loot boxes isn’t currently considered as gambling, studies have identified a connection between some games and gambling.

Encourage the child or young person to agree and stick to limits around their screen time. It’s also a good idea to speak to them about what games or gambling websites they spend their time on. You could also consider installing gambling blocking software to restrict their access to certain websites.

Think about other ways that you might be able to support the child or young person. You could encourage them to take part in alternative activities or sports which support their wellbeing and promote their social and emotional development.

Gaming or Gambling / Part One / Parent Zone & Gamble Aware from Parent Zone on Vimeo.

Talking to your Teen or Young Adult about Gambling

Know the Stakes - Parents from Parent Zone on Vimeo.